Upcoming Film Presentation
Friday, February 14, 2025
4pm - 6:30pm CST
Andrew's Anglican Episcopal Church
Lake Chapala San Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar
(one block off the careterra)
With Special Guest: Jesus Ehecatl Siordia Garcia
There will be a Q & A directly after the film and
then all are invited to join in the garden for a circle ceremony
which will be co-created by Andrea and Jesus.
Suggested Donation
200 - 500 Pesos
The Hallmark Channel, National Cable US broadcasts:
May 2003, October 2003, May 9 , 2004, November 28, 2004, August 2005
Andrea is still actively approaching broadcasters internationally with her film.
Presentations and Events:
The filmmaker is very interested in creating or participating in multi media events including a circle ceremony and speakers, musicians, artists and dancers to enhance the issues in the film. Andrea Sadler has also presented the film in educational institutes and workshops.
The filmmaker, Andrea Sadler, is available to accompany and present “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” in workshops, educational institutions, conferences or special events. It is also possible to invite a Native Elder or a Traditional Native Dancer as part of the presentation. The presentation can be adapted to suit students from Grade One to University. Dragonfly Films also intends on creating an educational workbook and lesson plan but is presently requiring financing to make this possible.
Andrea Sadler is also happy to sing some of her original songs with her guitar, as the songs are often about peace, environmental awareness and love. Andrea is also open to planning events with a community and inviting local speakers, organizations and musicians to raise awareness about peace, social and environmental issues in their region.
Please contact Andrea Sadler at Dragonfly Films for more details or if you are interested in planning an event.
Previous Presentations:
June 21, 2001, Montreal
Closing Night Film of Terre En Vues / Land Insights Festival
For the closing of the festival and the premiere of “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather”, Andrea Sadler organized a grand launch of the film in the Just For Laughs ,Cabaret Hall in Montreal, Quebec. Peace groups, environmental groups, Native groups and Social Awareness groups were invited to set up information booths so the public had immediate resources about how to contribute to creating social change.
The evening began with Japanese musicians playing a Koto instrument and a Shakuhachi flute followed by the welcome speech. Vegan snacks were available throughout the night, kindly donated by sponsors, Les Vivres, Chu Chai and Govinda Restaurant. Native singer, Kathia Rock, graced us with her songs and drum, followed by a spontaneous spiral dance led by a First Nations Grandmother. This magically opened up the floor to create a circle whereby Native elder, Bevan Skerrat, led an opening ceremony and circle. About five hundred people, some of whom did not know what a circle ceremony was, participated in the circle that noticeably transformed the energy of the room into a feeling of unity and interconnection.The Montreal Taiko group called, Arachi Daiko, then gave a powerful performance with the large Japanese Taiko drums. Rosie Emery, who donated her beautiful song, The Shaman’s Drum, for use in the film sang the song live and then we all moved into the big screening room to watch the English version of the film.
A raffle draw was held to give away the creative offerings of generous artists, musicians and friends who donated their various works to help raise completion money for the film and the costs of the launch event. A lot was packed into the night but we also managed to dance into the wee hours with DJ’s Gordon Field, Marion McNair, Ernie Webb and Andy Williams.
My utmost thanks to all who contributed in any way, shape or form to the success of the evening.
February 15, 2006, Concordia University, Qc, A Community Ritual, an event of the Peace and Conflict Resolution series. www.peace.concordia.ca
October 2006, Cold Spring, NY
Haldane High School, grade 9 class presentation
November 2004, Cold Spring, NY
Haldane Public School, part of a cultural event
November 2004, Springfield, MA
Springfield College
Andrea presented her film to a combined group of students and the public and a circle ceremony was held after the screening. Students earned a credit if they wrote a paper on the film event.
April 2004, St. Agathe, Quebec
St. Agathe Academy
Andrea presented her film in the graduating high school and then held a circle ceremony after the screening to give an inspirational talk to the students and answer questions.
October 2003, Rawdon, Quebec
Rawdon Elementary School
Children from Grade 3-Grade 6 viewed the film in their classes and then attended a circle ceremony and discussion presented by Andrea Sadler and Bevan Skerrat. It was part of their special three day awareness program called, “Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit.”
August 2003, St. Adolphe d’Howard
Summer Camp for Children and Lake Association
Andrea showed her film to children from ages 5-12 and invited Native elder Bevan Skerrat to conduct a circle ceremony and share information about Native culture. In the evening, she presented her film to the Association of Lac St. Joseph, of which she is on the board of members, to raise environmental awareness about lakes.
Summer 2002 and 2003, Montreal, Quebec
University of Concordia, centre for Continuing Education
The Institute in Management and Community Development
Andrea Sadler, showed excerpts of “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” during lunchtime sessions at the Institute in Management and Community Development. Her focus in the discussion was about the value of having a spiritual foundation in the struggle for social change and the healing journey within oneself as part of the activists' path.
Autumn 2002, Montreal, Quebec
MIND School
Andrea Sadler presented “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” in an alternative high school to students between 15 and 16 years of age.
After the film was shown students were invited to join in a short circle ceremony led by Andrea Sadler to remind students of their interconnection with each other and with all living things on the planet. (The Native elder was not available for this event) Andrea spoke of her experiences with Native culture, the making of the film and she also shared a couple of her original songs, written during the filming period. The purpose of the presentation was to sensitize the students to seeing the world in a holistic way which encompasses not only environmental awareness but also promotes non-violence, respect and tolerance for diversity. Andrea’s favorite topic is to encourage the students of all ages to follow their dreams of a better world and to believe in themselves and to dare to take positive action for change. In Andrea’s words, “If I could dream of making this film and actually realize it through all the challenges and defeats I underwent… anything is possible.”
June 6, 2012, Butterfield Library, Cold Spring, NY
Andrea presented her film and held a circle ceremony with Roland Mousaa
April 13, 2008, Sidney Library, Sidney, NY
Andrea presented her film and held a circle ceremony with Glenn Baker and Elder Ray Tankashila
October 19, 2004, Desmond Fish Library, Garrison, N.Y.
Andrea presented her film and held a circle ceremony with Native Storyteller, Rainbow Weaver.
Communities and Community Centers:
April 18, 2018, Tompkins Corners Cultural Center, Putnam, NY
November 7, 2005, Starseed Healing Sanctuary and Retreat Center, Savoy, MA
November 3, 2004, Sirius Community, Shutesbury, MA
February 14, 2025, St. Andrew's Anglican, Episcopal Church, Lake Chapala, San Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar April 30, 2014, Trinity Church, Bobcaygeon, ON (fundraiser for water walk)
August 3, 2008, Riverside Church, NY, NY
March 20, 2005, The West Cummington Parish House, West Cummington, Massachusetts.
June 2010, Northfield Community
Autumn 2002, Montreal, Quebec
Community Building Workshop organized by Mec Quebec
Andrea Sadler presented “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” during this workshop which discusses how to build community.
Conferences and Forums:
June 2010, Northfield Conference
August 23, 2014, People’s Social Forum, Ottawa, ON
August 9, 2014, Couchiching Institute of Public Affairs, Orillia, ON
Theme: More Than a Game, the Politics and Potential of Sports
May 1, 2014, Sacred Water Circle Gathering, Trent University, Peterborough, ON
Feb 7, 2006, Jaipur,India, The World Council of Elders Conference
Spirituality Beyond Religion
Autumn 2002, Montreal, Quebec
Central Committee for the Environment
Montreal School Board
At a conference for promoting environmental awareness in schools, Andrea Sadler set up an information booth and T.V. to show how “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” could be used in educational institutions.
Peace & Justice Centers:
May 16, 2014, Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine
June 18, 2014, Waldo County Peace and Justice Group in Belfast Maine
Pow Wows:
August 21-22, 2004, Putnam County Pow Wow, N.Y. www.nimham.com
November, 2004, Hampden Correctional Center, Ludlow, MA Reverend Jonathan Tetherly invited Rainbow Weaver and myself to present the film and a circle ceremony in front of 25 male inmates for their Monday movie night.
Fairs & Special Events:
March 12, 2018, Norwood Club, private screening event with Donna Coane
April 23, 2008, New York City, NY
Meta Center
2nd Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebrations
Circle ceremony with Joe Cross and Native Elder Lygia Maciel DeCastro
Sept 18, 2004, One World Fair, Cummington, MA www.oneworldfair.com
November 7, 2004, Starseed Healing Sanctuary, Savoy, MA www.massretreats.com/starseed
Sept 18, 2005, Imagine Peace Festival, Amenia, NY The Global Alliance for Intelligent Arts, (GAIA) and The World Peace Prayer Society
November 11, 2012 Festival of First Peoples, Howland Cultural Center, Beacon, NY
April 30, 2014, Trinity Church, Bobcaygeon, ON, raised $109 for the Sacred Water Circle Gathering
May 11, 2011, Queensland University, Australia, raised $1500 for Sendai Fukushima Disaster Relief
Virtual Screenings:
Friday, August 9, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Theaters & Film Festivals:
June 21, 2001 - Premiered as the “Official Closing Film” of the “Land Insights, First People’s Festival” in Montreal, Qc.
There have been odd shaped circles in theaters but the feeling is always wonderful and the viewers leave with a feeling of connection with complete strangers. At the festival in Ft. Lauderdale an amazing thing happened even though Andrea was not able to arrange for a Native Elder to be present. The festival organizer had a flash early one morning that it would be nice to make a circle after the film and sings a couple of songs for Peace which was what Andrea wanted to arrange as well but they had not spoken about it when the organizer had the flash. To always create a circle after the film, preferably with a local Native elder, was Andrea Sadler’s intention way back at the beginning when the film was still in production and so far there has been a circle at every screening. Creating the circle and having a Native elder do a short prayer or ceremony lifts the film off the screen and the concept of life’s interconnection becomes experiential and real. Andrea has also played her guitar and sang some of her songs that were written during the filming period at these events.
The Hallmark Channel, National Cable US broadcasts:
May 2003, October 2003, May 9 , 2004, November 28, 2004, August 2005
Andrea is still actively approaching broadcasters internationally with her film.
Presentations and Events:
The filmmaker is very interested in creating or participating in multi media events including a circle ceremony and speakers, musicians, artists and dancers to enhance the issues in the film. Andrea Sadler has also presented the film in educational institutes and workshops.
The filmmaker, Andrea Sadler, is available to accompany and present “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” in workshops, educational institutions, conferences or special events. It is also possible to invite a Native Elder or a Traditional Native Dancer as part of the presentation. The presentation can be adapted to suit students from Grade One to University. Dragonfly Films also intends on creating an educational workbook and lesson plan but is presently requiring financing to make this possible.
Andrea Sadler is also happy to sing some of her original songs with her guitar, as the songs are often about peace, environmental awareness and love. Andrea is also open to planning events with a community and inviting local speakers, organizations and musicians to raise awareness about peace, social and environmental issues in their region.
Please contact Andrea Sadler at Dragonfly Films for more details or if you are interested in planning an event.
Previous Presentations:
June 21, 2001, Montreal
Closing Night Film of Terre En Vues / Land Insights Festival
For the closing of the festival and the premiere of “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather”, Andrea Sadler organized a grand launch of the film in the Just For Laughs ,Cabaret Hall in Montreal, Quebec. Peace groups, environmental groups, Native groups and Social Awareness groups were invited to set up information booths so the public had immediate resources about how to contribute to creating social change.
The evening began with Japanese musicians playing a Koto instrument and a Shakuhachi flute followed by the welcome speech. Vegan snacks were available throughout the night, kindly donated by sponsors, Les Vivres, Chu Chai and Govinda Restaurant. Native singer, Kathia Rock, graced us with her songs and drum, followed by a spontaneous spiral dance led by a First Nations Grandmother. This magically opened up the floor to create a circle whereby Native elder, Bevan Skerrat, led an opening ceremony and circle. About five hundred people, some of whom did not know what a circle ceremony was, participated in the circle that noticeably transformed the energy of the room into a feeling of unity and interconnection.The Montreal Taiko group called, Arachi Daiko, then gave a powerful performance with the large Japanese Taiko drums. Rosie Emery, who donated her beautiful song, The Shaman’s Drum, for use in the film sang the song live and then we all moved into the big screening room to watch the English version of the film.
A raffle draw was held to give away the creative offerings of generous artists, musicians and friends who donated their various works to help raise completion money for the film and the costs of the launch event. A lot was packed into the night but we also managed to dance into the wee hours with DJ’s Gordon Field, Marion McNair, Ernie Webb and Andy Williams.
My utmost thanks to all who contributed in any way, shape or form to the success of the evening.
February 15, 2006, Concordia University, Qc, A Community Ritual, an event of the Peace and Conflict Resolution series. www.peace.concordia.ca
October 2006, Cold Spring, NY
Haldane High School, grade 9 class presentation
November 2004, Cold Spring, NY
Haldane Public School, part of a cultural event
November 2004, Springfield, MA
Springfield College
Andrea presented her film to a combined group of students and the public and a circle ceremony was held after the screening. Students earned a credit if they wrote a paper on the film event.
April 2004, St. Agathe, Quebec
St. Agathe Academy
Andrea presented her film in the graduating high school and then held a circle ceremony after the screening to give an inspirational talk to the students and answer questions.
October 2003, Rawdon, Quebec
Rawdon Elementary School
Children from Grade 3-Grade 6 viewed the film in their classes and then attended a circle ceremony and discussion presented by Andrea Sadler and Bevan Skerrat. It was part of their special three day awareness program called, “Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit.”
August 2003, St. Adolphe d’Howard
Summer Camp for Children and Lake Association
Andrea showed her film to children from ages 5-12 and invited Native elder Bevan Skerrat to conduct a circle ceremony and share information about Native culture. In the evening, she presented her film to the Association of Lac St. Joseph, of which she is on the board of members, to raise environmental awareness about lakes.
Summer 2002 and 2003, Montreal, Quebec
University of Concordia, centre for Continuing Education
The Institute in Management and Community Development
Andrea Sadler, showed excerpts of “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” during lunchtime sessions at the Institute in Management and Community Development. Her focus in the discussion was about the value of having a spiritual foundation in the struggle for social change and the healing journey within oneself as part of the activists' path.
Autumn 2002, Montreal, Quebec
MIND School
Andrea Sadler presented “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” in an alternative high school to students between 15 and 16 years of age.
After the film was shown students were invited to join in a short circle ceremony led by Andrea Sadler to remind students of their interconnection with each other and with all living things on the planet. (The Native elder was not available for this event) Andrea spoke of her experiences with Native culture, the making of the film and she also shared a couple of her original songs, written during the filming period. The purpose of the presentation was to sensitize the students to seeing the world in a holistic way which encompasses not only environmental awareness but also promotes non-violence, respect and tolerance for diversity. Andrea’s favorite topic is to encourage the students of all ages to follow their dreams of a better world and to believe in themselves and to dare to take positive action for change. In Andrea’s words, “If I could dream of making this film and actually realize it through all the challenges and defeats I underwent… anything is possible.”
June 6, 2012, Butterfield Library, Cold Spring, NY
Andrea presented her film and held a circle ceremony with Roland Mousaa
April 13, 2008, Sidney Library, Sidney, NY
Andrea presented her film and held a circle ceremony with Glenn Baker and Elder Ray Tankashila
October 19, 2004, Desmond Fish Library, Garrison, N.Y.
Andrea presented her film and held a circle ceremony with Native Storyteller, Rainbow Weaver.
Communities and Community Centers:
April 18, 2018, Tompkins Corners Cultural Center, Putnam, NY
November 7, 2005, Starseed Healing Sanctuary and Retreat Center, Savoy, MA
November 3, 2004, Sirius Community, Shutesbury, MA
February 14, 2025, St. Andrew's Anglican, Episcopal Church, Lake Chapala, San Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar April 30, 2014, Trinity Church, Bobcaygeon, ON (fundraiser for water walk)
August 3, 2008, Riverside Church, NY, NY
March 20, 2005, The West Cummington Parish House, West Cummington, Massachusetts.
June 2010, Northfield Community
Autumn 2002, Montreal, Quebec
Community Building Workshop organized by Mec Quebec
Andrea Sadler presented “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” during this workshop which discusses how to build community.
Conferences and Forums:
June 2010, Northfield Conference
August 23, 2014, People’s Social Forum, Ottawa, ON
August 9, 2014, Couchiching Institute of Public Affairs, Orillia, ON
Theme: More Than a Game, the Politics and Potential of Sports
May 1, 2014, Sacred Water Circle Gathering, Trent University, Peterborough, ON
Feb 7, 2006, Jaipur,India, The World Council of Elders Conference
Spirituality Beyond Religion
Autumn 2002, Montreal, Quebec
Central Committee for the Environment
Montreal School Board
At a conference for promoting environmental awareness in schools, Andrea Sadler set up an information booth and T.V. to show how “The Sacred Run, the lotus and the feather” could be used in educational institutions.
Peace & Justice Centers:
May 16, 2014, Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine
June 18, 2014, Waldo County Peace and Justice Group in Belfast Maine
Pow Wows:
August 21-22, 2004, Putnam County Pow Wow, N.Y. www.nimham.com
November, 2004, Hampden Correctional Center, Ludlow, MA Reverend Jonathan Tetherly invited Rainbow Weaver and myself to present the film and a circle ceremony in front of 25 male inmates for their Monday movie night.
Fairs & Special Events:
March 12, 2018, Norwood Club, private screening event with Donna Coane
April 23, 2008, New York City, NY
Meta Center
2nd Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebrations
Circle ceremony with Joe Cross and Native Elder Lygia Maciel DeCastro
Sept 18, 2004, One World Fair, Cummington, MA www.oneworldfair.com
November 7, 2004, Starseed Healing Sanctuary, Savoy, MA www.massretreats.com/starseed
Sept 18, 2005, Imagine Peace Festival, Amenia, NY The Global Alliance for Intelligent Arts, (GAIA) and The World Peace Prayer Society
November 11, 2012 Festival of First Peoples, Howland Cultural Center, Beacon, NY
April 30, 2014, Trinity Church, Bobcaygeon, ON, raised $109 for the Sacred Water Circle Gathering
May 11, 2011, Queensland University, Australia, raised $1500 for Sendai Fukushima Disaster Relief
Virtual Screenings:
Friday, August 9, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Theaters & Film Festivals:
June 21, 2001 - Premiered as the “Official Closing Film” of the “Land Insights, First People’s Festival” in Montreal, Qc.
- October 28, 2001 - The “Official Closing Film” of the “Asian Pacific Film Festival” in Ft. Lauderdale. www.apfff.org
- November 11, 2001 – Screening in the “Global Visions” Film Festival in Edmonton, Alberta. www.globalvisionsfestival.com
- November 18, 2001 – The “Official Closing Film” of The Female Eye Film Festival, T.O., Ontario www.femaleeyefilmfestival.com
- March 10, 2002 – The “Official Closing Film” of Women on the Verge Film Festival, Haida Gwaii, B.C.
- April 25, 2002 – The best of “Global Visions 2001” monthly series, Edmonton, AB
- May 7, 2002 – Montreal Asian Heritage Festival, Montreal, Quebec www.montrealasianheritagefestival.com/
- May 12-21, 2004 – Cannes Film Festival, France, The Short Film Corner www.festival-cannes.org
- August 24, 2004 – Peace and Consciousness Festival, Long Island, N.Y. www.campfestival.com
- September 3, 2004 – Woodstock Museum Festival, Woodstock, N.Y. www.woodstockmuseum.org
- September 23, 2005 – Theatre du Marais, Val Morin, Qc.
- December 9, 2005 - Auberge Prema Shanti, Val David, QC
- June 7, 2008, The Berkshire Blossom Film Festival, Pittsfield, MA
- August 4, 2008, The Downing Film Center, Newburgh, NY
- April 5, 2013, Fallbrook Film Festival, Fallbrook, CA, Nominated as Best Documentary
- December 2015 - Culture Unplugged, International Festival June -
- June 24, 2016 - Movies That Matter Film Series, Beacon, NY
- April 22, 2022 - Virtual Screening at Desmond Fish Library, Garrison, NY.
- March 11, 2022 - Teatro Santa Ana, Biblioteca Publica, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
There have been odd shaped circles in theaters but the feeling is always wonderful and the viewers leave with a feeling of connection with complete strangers. At the festival in Ft. Lauderdale an amazing thing happened even though Andrea was not able to arrange for a Native Elder to be present. The festival organizer had a flash early one morning that it would be nice to make a circle after the film and sings a couple of songs for Peace which was what Andrea wanted to arrange as well but they had not spoken about it when the organizer had the flash. To always create a circle after the film, preferably with a local Native elder, was Andrea Sadler’s intention way back at the beginning when the film was still in production and so far there has been a circle at every screening. Creating the circle and having a Native elder do a short prayer or ceremony lifts the film off the screen and the concept of life’s interconnection becomes experiential and real. Andrea has also played her guitar and sang some of her songs that were written during the filming period at these events.